The Unwanted: Boat People Return in 2015

The Unwanted: Boat People Return in 2015 OVER last week, waves of boat people from Myanmar and Bangladesh landed on the shores of Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand, catching unprepared governments and refugee organizations by surprise. This led authorities to initially take extreme measures, like preventing some of the boats from coming ashore. They have now been given temporary asylum but unlike refugees in the wake of the Indochina War, few countries seem willing to take these new asylum seekers. What will the impacted countries as well as the countries of origin do to prevent similar humanitarian crises in the future? Peace In Papua At Last? CAN there be a glimmer of light at the end of the Papua conflict tunnel? President Joko Widodo last week pardoned five political prisoners and promised to release more detainees. Most importantly, he announced that Papua would be open to international media scrutiny. The big question is whether his declaration will be followed up by other relevant government agencies who may disagree with the president. Outreach: Health Services For All IN 2012, the World Health Organization listed Indonesia as the 117th among 193 countries in life expectancy. The situation has not improved signifi cantly since, mainly due to the uneven access to health services around the archipelago. To address this problem, the Health Ministry launched a number of initiatives, among them assigning new young doctors and health professionals to remote areas. On May 4, President Jokowi dispatched the Healthy Nusantara Team to 120 puskesmas or people’s health clinics to Indonesia’s outermost islands and border areas. Tempo English follows the trail of these medical and health personnel in Ende Island, East Nusa Tenggara and the Kelay subdistrict in East Kalimantan.

Keywords :
Boat People , Refugee ,
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    Full Edition
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    PT TEMPO Inti Media
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  • Cover Story
    The Unwanted; National: Wanted, Cabinet Reshuffle; National: Peace Offerings To Papua; Outreach: Health Services For All; Horizons: Business Match-Making
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The Unwanted: Boat People Return in 2015
Rp. 60.000