A Fishy Business

A Fishy Business THE unprecedented policy of Fisheries Minister Susi Pudjiastuti in addressing years of nationally debilitating fishing theft has stirred the anger of business people in the fishing industry. They claim to have incurred losses as a result of the bans and restrictions on questionable fi shing practices. Yet, traditional fi shermen seem to benefi t from her policies and environmentalists support her initiatives to protect the marine environment. Will she be able to serve the interests of both sides or will she stand her ground and risk being attacked by a powerful lobby that has the ear of the Vice President? National: High Alert On The Northern Coast TWO coal-carrying tugboats and their crew were taken hostage by armed Abu Sayyaf combatants over the waters of southern Philippines. The TNI (Indonesian military) have prepared a rescue operation that includes the Rapid Reaction troops, Army special forces troops and Navy commando frogmen. They are currently at their training and launching site somewhere on Tarakan, while diplomatic efforts are underway to resolve the impasse. Outreach: Filmmakers In Motion THE pride of Film Day celebrations on March 30 were the quality short films and documentaries produced by filmmakers outside of Jakarta and Java. Many of the movies produced by young regional f lmmakers even made it into national and international film festivals. This group of young film makers has inspired filmmaking all over the country and initiated quite a few film festivals. Tempo English looks at filmmaking activities in Banda Aceh, Makassar and Bandar Lampung.

Keywords :
Susi Pudjiastuti; Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan , ,
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    Full Edition
  • Copyright
    PT TEMPO Inti Media
  • Subyek
  • Cover Story
    A Fishy Business; Investigation: Crude Oil Theft Syndicate; National: Piracy In Mindanao; High Alert On The Northern Coast; Outreach: Filmmakers In Motion
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A Fishy Business
Rp. 60.000