Seeking Peace and Pluralism
Evert time a violent incident involving intolerance occurs, pesantren, or Islamic boarding schools, became the major suspects. Reports of violence being the product of pesantrens can be diffi cult to deny, particularly when the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) declares that at least 19 pesantrens throughout the country show signs that they teach radicalism. Yet, in the midst of such a worrying situation, pesantrens spread around the country have been trying hard to remove the stigma branded on all pesantrens. They teach tolerance and pluralism in their daily curriculum.
Keywords :
Pluralism; Islamic Bording School ,
Keywords :
Pluralism; Islamic Bording School ,
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Tanggal Upload :
12-07-2016 -
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Tanggal Edisi
2016-07-10 -
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PT Tempo Inti Media - Subyek -
Cover Story
The Somber Legacy of Brexit;United In Spiritual Diversity -
Seeking Peace and Pluralism
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