2017 Economic Outlook

2017 Economic Outlook WITH the global economy not expected to grow beyond 3.4 percent next year, there have been somber predictions on Indonesia’s economic outlook for 2017. But the successful tax amnesty program will boost the construction of much needed-infrastructure projects. Meanwhile six sectors seem promising enough to keep the economy growing at the predicted 5.1 percent rate, but what will accelerate growth may be the rapidly expanding digital economy. National: A Swinging-Door Cabinet PRESIDENT Joko Widodo in the end chose Ignasius Jonan, the transportation minister he sacked three months ago to take over the the reins of the energy and mining ministry. Meanwhile, in yet another puzzling move, Jokowi chose Arcandra Tahar, whom he sacked 20 days after appointing him as the energy and mineral minister for his questionable citizenship status, as Jonan’s deputy. What’s behind his decision to re-appoint two people he fired? Outreach: Sons Of The Earth INDONESIA is a rich agricultural country, thanks to its fertile, volcanic soil. But in the past decade, more than 5 million out of the country’s 40 million farmers and people working on the land, have moved on to other sectors. And out of 64 million Indonesian youths—15 to 29 years of age—only 3 percent are engaged in farming. In an eff ort to interest more young people to work on the land and thus absorb some of the unemployment among youths, the non-profi t Plan Internasional Indonesia initiated a program to train 3,000 young farmers in East Nusa Tenggara province. In Bali, the success of a young woman who started a mushroom farm inspired other youths to be involved in agribusiness.

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    PT TEMPO Inti Media
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  • Cover Story
    2017 Economic Outlook; Law: Corruption In University Elections?; National: Ministers Jonan And Arcandra: Fired And Hired Again; Outreach: Sons Of The Earth; National: A Swinging-Door Cabinet
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2017 Economic Outlook
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