Investigation: Pleasant Prison

Investigation: Pleasant Prison A NUMBER of convicted corruptors were caught red-handed leaving the Sukamiskin Prison in Bandung, unescorted for bogus reasons, in clear breach of regulations. Claiming to need medical attention, inmates bribe prison officials to be allowed to go to rented apartments and even fly outside of Java. Tempo’s investigation also exposes the luxurious life corruptors lead behind bars. Economy Breaking the Beef Mafia Chain BASUKI Hariman’s name is under the spotlight again, following the arrest of Constitutional Court Judge Patrialis Akbar. Basuki, a cattle trader is charged with bribing Patrialis to annul a government import scheme based on zones. He allegedly controls a wide network of legal and illegal import companies, as well as trading in animal feed. He is also believed to be importing beef illegally from India. Outreach: Profiting From Local Produce FARMERS have discovered unique endemic plants that can provide them with alternative marketable crops. In Hiyun village, South Kalimantan, an extra hot species of chili pepper is now the main crop of local farmers, earning them a significantly higher income. At Bisikori village, Southeast Sulawesi, the endemic patchouli plant, a key ingredient for perfume production, has improved local lives. Villages no longer rely solely on the forest for their livelihood.

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Pleasant Prison , Sukamiskin Prison ,
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    Full Edition
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    PT TEMPO Inti Media
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  • Cover Story
    Investigation: Pleasant Prison; National Scandal in FPI; Economy Breaking the Beef Mafia Chain; Outreach: Profiting From Local Produce
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Investigation: Pleasant Prison
Rp. 60.000