The Preacher's Game
Lobbies from Saudi Arabia
Islam Defenders Front (FPI) founder Rizieq Syihab fled to Saudi Arabia after being linked to a pornography case. Even as a fugitive, after officially being named as a suspect in the case, Rizieq formed a team to actively lobby top government officials, including President Joko Widodo, to avoid imprisonment upon his return. Supported by some national figures, Rizieq has also sought the abolition of his crime.
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Rizieq Syihab ,
Keywords :
Rizieq Syihab ,
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Tanggal Upload :
03-07-2017 -
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Tanggal Edisi
2017-07-09 -
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PT Tempo Inti Media - Subyek -
Cover Story
Economy: The New Lucrative Fintech Business; Literature: Indonesian Children Books Going Global -
The Preacher's Game
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