The Transition Team and Set Up The New Cabinet Jokowi

Joko Widodo has formed a team to design his administration’s program. They have connected with the Yudhoyono people and are on the hunt for candidates to fi ll ministerial posts. There is a good chance the new cabinet will be filled with professionals. Joko Widodo expect he can start working right after his inauguration.    The Team of 11 or transition team is being helped by numerous support teams. Small teams called caucuses focus on studying issues in various areas, such as defense, the economy, energy and foreign aff airs. As with the core team, many academics are in these study groups. Rizal Sukma is the main fi gure in the foreign politics and international affairs caucus. In the field of economics are UGM lecturer Sri Adiningsih and economist Imam Sugema, former forestry  minister Muhammad Prakosa, instructor Andrinof A. Chaniago and politician-economist, Arif Budimanta. Arif is the team’s coordinator. Another group tasked with searching for new cabinet ministers is also being set up. Jokowi-Kalla supporters have lined up numerous candidates for the new cabinet, who tried all ways to be in the list.   The Transition team is headquartered in a house in Menteng, Central Jakarta.  

Keywords :
Tim Transisi , Kabinet Jokowi , Menteri Kabinet Jokowi , ,
  • Views : 2.233
  • Uploaded on : 25-09-2014
  • Edisi : 2014-09-25
  • Editor : Dina
  • Bahasa : -
  • Penulis : Tempo
  • Jumlah Halaman :36
The Transition Team and Set Up The New Cabinet Jokowi
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