Wiranto, Cendana's Choice?

"Tutut" Suharto\'s Concern for the Nation Functional Party may have failed to reach the electoral threshold (the minimum votes needed to contest the 2009 General Elections), but that has not stopped her political maneuvering. Tutut\'s declaration of support for Wiranto was openly announced even before the campaign period has formally begun. The Cendana family, no matter the standards of evaluation, is still considered by many as being responsible for some of the darkest sins during the New Order era. If Wiranto is supported by Suharto, some ask, would enforcement of law unfavorable to the ex-president be lost in the former general\'s political considerations? And Tutut\'s party is not alone—behind her there are eight minor parties already claiming to join her.

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Wiranto , President Election 2004 ,
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Wiranto, Cendana's Choice?
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