Second Quest
Jusuf Kalla’s name is top of the PDI-P’s list of 10 candidates to run with Joko Widodo in his bid for the presidency at the July 9 elections. Kalla’s seniority and experience during the fi rst National Unity Cabinet would certainly complement Jokowi’s lack of statesmanship. Kalla himself has been quietly lobbying to ensure that his name is always linked to Jokowi’s. Who are his backers and what’s his winning strategy?
Keywords :
Jusuf Kalla , Joko Widodo , ,
Keywords :
Jusuf Kalla , Joko Widodo , ,
Views :
750 -
Tanggal Upload :
11-05-2014 -
38/14 -
Tanggal Edisi
2014-05-12 -
Full Edition -
PT Tempo Inti Media Tbk - Subyek Politic
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Second Quest
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