Seascapes and Shorelines

Seascapes and Shorelines INDONESIA’S beaches and coastal areas offer endless attractions, from sandy white beaches to glassy clear waters, colorful coral reefs, countless species of fi sh and other sea creatures. Beyond the sun and sand, however, is a treasure trove of traditional life, barely touched by modernity, where diverse ethnic groups live in peaceful co-existence and their deep and abiding respect for nature ensures sustainability. Tempo reports on far-fl ung hidden beaches for the discriminating traveller. Law: Echoes Of Past Crimes Against Humanity AT a seminar formatted as a tribunal, the suffering and pain of victims of the 1965 tragedy were publicly aired. The International People’s Tribunal 1965 which took place in The Hague, capital of the Netherlands last week, presented testimonies of witnesses, with the explicit aim to have the perpetrators and people responsible for the mass killings to come forward, as the fi rst step towards any measure of reconciliation. A report on the proceedings and the reactions. Outreach: Religious Studies And Self-Reliance PESANTRENS or Islamic boarding schools today have become much more than institutions teaching students to be santri or religious people. Lately, a number of these pesantren have branched out and included in their curriculum, such topics as farming, animal husbandry, fi sh breeding and the basics of doing business. The trend is spreading as pesantren in South Sumatra, West Nusa Tenggara and West Sumatra, offer a curriculum on how to become economically self-reliant. Tempo English reports on the amazing transformation of pesantrens from traditional schools producing preachers to training grounds of successful entrepreneurs.

Keywords :
Beaches Special Edition , Seascapes , Shorelines , Cerita dari Laut , Edisi Khusus Pantai ,
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    PT TEMPO Inti Media
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  • Cover Story
    Seascapes and Shorelines; Beaches Special Edition; Law: Echoes Of Past Crimes Against Humanity; Outreach: Religious Studies And Self-Reliance
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Seascapes and Shorelines
Rp. 60.000