Fight to The Finish

Fight to the Finish WITH candidates No. 1 eliminated, it will now be a tight race between the remaining contenders: Ahok-Djarot and Anies-Sandiaga, who won 43 percent and 39 percent of the votes, respectively. This contest for the capital’s top job has become a hot topic of speculation: to which candidates will the 17 percent votes of the eliminated contenders go? What will determine the outcome: common sense or primordial sentiments? Will the second round be as stable and violent-free as the first one? Economy: Tough Negotiations with Freeport WHILE the Government and Freeport Indonesia stubbornly hold on to their respective positions on changes to their contractual agreement, the threat of massive unemployment resulting from reduced production and exports, hung low. Freeport has already cut back its foreign personnel and plans to further reduce its local and national employees. Will the parties involved come to some kind of agreement or will it all end in arbitration? Outreach: A Revival of Lost Languages THE richness of local languages in Indonesia is rapidly declining. Last year, the government noted that 15 of Indonesia’s 617 vernaculars and dialects were no longer spoken, with another 139 regional and local languages in danger of extinction. This has motivated people to campaign for their revival, through the production of videos and comic books in local languages and social media messages. Local governments are also collaborating with communities to catalog the vocabularies of local languages and dialects.

Keywords :
Governor Election , Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono , Sylviana Murni , Basuki Tjahaja Purnama , Ahok , Djarot Saiful Hidayat , Anies Baswedan , Sandiaga Uno , ,
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    PT TEMPO Inti Media
  • Subyek
  • Cover Story
    Fight to The Finish; Economy: Tough Negotiations With Freeport; National: The Helicopter Purchase Riddle; Outreach: A Revival Of Lost Languages
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Fight to The Finish
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